We would like to ask for a moment of silence. This may seem odd, coming from hearing healthcare professionals, but the silence we ask for as we bow our heads is a measure of respect for those who have served Canada and have paid the ultimate price in defence of our country. We must never forget the dedication and the honour of our fallen soldiers.
Why is this important? In showing our respect to those who have fallen, we also show our respect and appreciation to those soldiers who are still with us, whether they be new recruits, seasoned Regular Force personnel or veterans enjoying some well-deserved R&R away from those gruelling military drills. We let them know that we will never forget them, no matter what. And we show them how deeply we appreciate the fact that they risk their lives for our freedoms.
While taking a moment of respectful silence for those who have fallen, we would also like to highlight the services available for veterans. Veterans Affairs Canada offers a wide range of services to vets and their spouses, enabling them to live independently for as long as possible. Those services can include independent living services such as food delivery, housekeeping and groundskeeping services, home adaptations and other financial assistance.
Military service can often be extremely noisy, and it's not unheard-of for vets to experience some form of noise-induced hearing loss, in one or both ears. And included in that financial assistance are health services and hearing aids.
If you feel like you are missing parts of conversations or are having a harder time following what is being said, you may be able to qualify for assistance towards a hearing test and being fitted for hearing aids. In order to find out if you qualify, you may be able to contact a Professional Command Legion Service Officer. (LINK: https://www.legion.ca/support-for-veterans/contact-a-service-officer)
We ask for silence and bow our heads to honour the fallen, but we want those who are still with us to enjoy life to the fullest, in all of its connecting, babbling, conversational glory.
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