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Debbie observing the ear canal of a patient with her otoscope.

Time for a Hearing Test?

Hearing Assessments

An Audiological Assessment consists of a comprehensive Case History, Otoscopy, Tympanometry, Speech Audiometry, Pure Tone Audiometry and Bone Conduction Pure Tone Audiometry.


Our Clinicians always go over the results with you at the end of the test. We will discuss the severity of your hearing loss and make recommendations based on the results.

antique hearing aid test booth audiometry audiometer

Request an Appointment 

Have any questions about our services or would like to book an appointment?


Call one of our Clinic locations or email us below.

Brockville 613-704-2532
Morrisburg 613-209-0187
Smiths Falls 613-718-0708

Thanks for contacting us, you will hear from us soon.

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